2 Types of Digital Footprints

What is Digital Footprint?

The information trail you leave behind when using the internet is known as your digital footprint. It’s like leaving footprints as you walk, but these are digital tracks. Every time you visit a website, send an email, or share something online, you add to your digital footprint. This information can show what you do online and what devices you use. Once something is on the internet, it can be hard to completely remove it. That’s why it’s important to be careful about what you do and share online. Your digital footprint can give others a picture of your online activities, so it’s wise to think about what tracks you’re leaving behind.

2 Types of Digital Footprints

Active Digital Footprint:

An active digital footprint is made up of the things you deliberately put online. This includes social media posts, comments on websites, and information you share on purpose. It’s like leaving visible marks online that you choose to make. An active digital footprint is created when you intentionally share information online. This includes:

1. Social media posts and interactions

2. Blog posts or comments on websites

3. Uploading photos or videos

4. Creating online profiles

5. Sending emails

6. Filling out online forms

7. Publishing articles or reviews

You have more control over your active footprint, but it’s important to remember that once information is online, it can be difficult to completely remove.

Passive Digital Footprint:

A passive digital footprint, on the other hand, is information that’s collected about you without you actively putting it out there. This can be things like your browsing history, the websites you visit, or data that companies gather about your online habits. It’s like leaving invisible tracks as you move around the internet. A passive digital footprint is created without your direct action. Its information collected about you as you use the internet:

1. Your browsing history

2. Cookies stored by websites you visit

3. Your IP address

4. Location data from your devices

5. Search history

6. Online shopping habits

7. Data collected by apps you use

This type of footprint is often less visible to you, but it can be extensive. Websites and companies collect this data to learn about user behaviour, personalise experiences, or for advertising purposes.

Both types of footprints contribute to your overall digital presence and can potentially be used to build a profile of your online activities and preferences. It’s important to be aware of both when considering your online privacy and security.

Examples of a digital footprint

A digital footprint is like a trail you leave behind when you use the internet. It’s made up of all the little bits of information that show what you’ve been doing online. Here are some everyday examples:

Examples of a digital footprint

1. Shopping online:

– What you buy

– Stores where you have accounts

– Emails about sales you signed up for

2. Money stuff:

– Using banking apps

– Purchasing using your credit card

– Using apps to invest money

3. Health and fitness:

– Workout tracking apps

– Signing up for emails about staying healthy

– Reading websites about exercise

4. Reading news and articles:

– Websites you subscribe to for news

– Apps you used to read news

– Sharing articles with friends online

5. Social media:

– Things you post on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter

– Following other people or companies

– Putting up pictures or videos

– Having a profile on a dating website

All these activities leave little traces online. They show what you’re interested in, what you do, and sometimes where you go. It’s like a big puzzle that shows a picture of your online life. Remember, some of this information you choose to share (like posting on social media), but some of it is collected without you doing anything special (like when a website remembers what you looked at). That’s why it’s good to think about what you do online and how it might be seen or used by others.

Tips in protecting your digital footprint:

1. Clean up old accounts:

– Delete email accounts you don’t use anymore

– Reduce the number of social media accounts you have

2. Be careful what you share:

– Don’t fill out unnecessary surveys

– Make a separate email for junk mail

3. Increase your privacy:

– Remove your info from people search websites

– Set the privacy setting in your search engine

4. Manage your accounts:

– Use different emails for personal, work, and other stuff

– Securing your social media accounts by setting them in private

5. Be picky about agreeing to things:

– Don’t always say yes to websites collecting your data

– Always read the terms and conditions on the site before you agree

6. Stay safe online:

– Avoid using public Wi-Fi networks

– Only visit secure websites (look for “HTTPS” in the web address)

7. Use tools to protect yourself:

– Try using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) to hide your location and identity online

Helpful Source: How to Protect and Reduce Your Digital Footprint

Benefits of Digital Footprint

1. Building a good name: This is about creating a positive image online. When people search for you or your business, they should find good things. You can do this by regularly sharing helpful content, like blog posts or videos. Respond to customer comments and reviews politely, even if they’re negative. Over time, this consistent positive presence helps build trust with potential customers.
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2. Getting and keeping customers: Use social media and your website to share interesting content that your target audience will find valuable. This could be tips related to your industry, behind-the-scenes looks at your business, or special offers. Engage with people who comment on your posts or reach out to you online. Quick, helpful responses can turn interested people into customers and keep existing customers coming back.
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3. Learning about your market: Pay attention to what people are saying about your business online, this can give you ideas for improvements. Look at the questions people ask most often, and these can guide what content you create or products you develop. Check out your competitors’ online presence. Analyse what suits them and not. Use this information to make smart decisions about your business strategy.

4. Becoming trustworthy: Have a professional-looking website that’s easy to use and has clear information about your products or services. Share your expertise through blog posts, videos, or podcasts. Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews. Positive reviews from real people are very convincing to potential new customers. Be transparent about your business practices. This could include sharing your process, introducing your team, or being upfront about your pricing.
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What you leave behind when you use the internet is called a digital footprint. It includes everything from your social media posts and online shopping habits to your browsing history and email subscriptions. There are two types: active footprints, which you create intentionally (like social media posts), and passive footprints, which are collected without your direct action (like browsing data).

While digital footprints can pose privacy concerns, they can also be beneficial when managed well. A positive digital footprint can help build your brand, attract customers, provide market insights, and establish credibility. However, it’s important to protect your digital footprint by being mindful of what you share online, using privacy settings, and employing tools like VPNs when necessary.

Your digital footprint is a powerful tool that, when used wisely, can enhance your online presence and open up opportunities. The key is to be aware of what information you’re putting out there, and to actively shape your digital identity in a way that aligns with your personal or professional goals.

Source:: https://visualmarketing.com.au